Benefits of partnering with SLAC

Part of our mission as a Department of Energy national laboratory is to work with partners to innovate so that the benefits of federally funded research and development can continue to advance fundamental science and push the bounds of technology. In addition to operating and buidling premier accelerator based facilities such as LCLS and LCLS-II, SSRL, FACET and FACET-II, SLAC is a multi-purpose laboratory conducting R&D in a number of scientific areas.
SLAC has many years of experience in accelerating and detecting particles and producing bright beams of light for research. This has resulted in core capability in accelerators, detectors and sensors, X-rays, and lasers. These capabilities have already resulted in fundamental scientific advances and in innovative commercial applications through our partnerships.
SLAC has a growing portfolio of science enabled by its facilities with R&D in Chemical Science, Materials Science, Bioscience, Plasma and Fusion Energy Science, Applied Energy, and High Performance Computing. More information can be found at the Science Directorate site.
Finally, SLAC is one of DOE's premier laboratories for cosmology research with research initiatives in Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Cosmic Inflation, and exploring the frontiers of Particle Physics.